Is Jesus

Doubters Welcome

At Eastside, we embrace a spirit of open inquiry and welcome all, especially those grappling with doubts and questions about faith. We want to be a space where everyone's journey is respected, and their struggles are acknowledged. We celebrate the presence of seekers and doubters among us, offering a non-combative environment that highlights the compelling beauty of following Jesus.

Keep scrolling to read about why we trust Jesus and believe he is worth following — or click the button and fill out the form below. You can ask to meet up, send us your question, or ask for prayer.

At Eastside Church, our journey is deeply intertwined with the life and teachings of Jesus. He is more than a historical figure or a character in religious texts; He is the central figure who shapes our understanding of faith, community, and purpose. His influence transcends time, inspiring our gatherings, our art, our conversations, and our personal stories.

Jesus Is

Jesus offers unique and perfect relationship. In a world where relationships can be fleeting and flawed, Jesus stands as the epitome of unwavering and selfless friendship. His ultimate sacrifice on the cross is a testament to His deep love for us, offering us a path to healing and a restored relationship with God.

Jesus Is

We explore and adhere to the teachings of Jesus not just as moral guidelines but as profound truths about ourselves and the world. Jesus claimed to be God in human form, offering a way to reconcile with the Divine. His teachings provide us with a candid understanding of our human condition and the hope for redemption and transformation.

Jesus Is

Jesus is the King of all creation—and he’s establishing his kingdom here on earth as it is in heaven. This means that nothing is out of the influence of Jesus and everything is subject to him. His victory over sin and death offers us freedom and hope. In our gatherings, we celebrate and draw strength from His resurrection, finding joy in the promise of a life beyond our earthly existence.

Come And See

At Eastside Church, we invite you to come along as we explore the life and teaching of Jesus. Whether you're just beginning to explore faith or seeking to deepen your relationship with Him, our community is here to support and guide you.

Visit Us On

Join us on this transformative journey, as we learn and grow together in the way of Jesus, finding authentic community, purpose, and a deeper connection with God through shared worship as a whole church.