We Live Together
In Community,
As Family.

You’re invited to experience a new kind of family with Jesus and us. It isn’t a perfect family, but it is one where we seek to love and live like Jesus together.

Community On

God designed you to belong to a community where you're known and know others. Where evryone is encouraging each other to be disciples of Jesus in the every day stuff of life. Together, we learn, use our gifts, and inspire love and good works.

What Does Life In A Missional Community Look Like?

Missional Communities at Eastside follow the following monthly rhythm:

Week one — no formal MC meeting
Week two — DNA Groups meet
Week three — MC meal and gathering
Week four — DNA Groups meet

MC large group meetings look different from group to group and week to week. Some eat dinner together every week, some only once per month. Some weeks, groups might have a missional focus where they serve together. Groups with children might take a week to focus on discipling the kids in the missional community. 

What Is “DNA” Group?

DNA is an acronym that stands for Discover, Nurture, and Act. DNA members help one another to be with Jesus, become like Jesus, and do what Jesus did through:

D - Discover truths about God in Scripture and check-in with one another
N - Nurture one another toward true heart transformation
A - Act out repentance and belief through demonstration and declaration

DNAs are single-gendered small groups focused on becoming more like Jesus through spiritual friendship, where vulnerability and honesty thrive without pretense. They foster mutual growth and accountability.

note: Most DNA groups form out of MC groups. So your first step is to Join A Community.