
Living The Way Of Jesus
In Our City

Eastside Church is part of a supernatural movement called The Kingdom of God. Our church extends beyond a physical building or weekend gatherings; it is an intentional community living out the Way of Jesus throughout Madison & Dane County.

We dream of a day when everyone has a daily encounter with Jesus in word and deed, so we pray earnestly: “in Madison as in Heaven.”

Essential Practices
& Doctrine

at Eastside

  • The Deacons at Eastside Church help care for the practical needs of people, administratively and pastorally stewarding the work of the Spirit and the church.

  • The Elders of Eastside Church are the spiritual authority over the church as laid out in 1 Timothy 3v1-7, Titus 1v5-9, 1 Peter 5v1-4, and Acts 20v17-35. Their role is to guard and give shape to direction, doctrine, and discipline.

More About

  • The seeds of Eastside Church were sown in 2018 when a core group from Door Creek Church and The Vine Church began meeting weekly on Thursday evenings. These gatherings were more than just meetings; they were a time to be with Jesus, to delve into His teachings, and to envision a church deeply rooted in the missional style. This model extends beyond traditional church walls, embedding itself into the community, actively engaging and serving the people within it. Our mission was clear: to live as Jesus did, being His hands and feet not just on Sundays but every day, in every neighborhood.

    On September 1, 2019, we launched our public services, stepping into the vision to see God move powerfully in Madison. But just five months later, the world, and our young church, faced the unprecedented challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. This period tested our resilience, faith, and commitment to the vision God had given us. Yet, in these trials, we found opportunities to become more like Jesus in our perseverance and faith.

    Despite the challenges, we witnessed God moving in Madison, building communities where people not only belong but also learn to believe and become like Jesus together. Our vision is to see individuals from diverse backgrounds find a home in God and with each other, to discover and root themselves in the truth of Jesus, and to be continually transformed into His likeness as citizens of His kingdom.

    Reflecting on our journey, from those initial Thursday meetings to navigating a global crisis, we are filled with gratitude for God’s unceasing faithfulness and the vibrant community He is building here. We step into the future with anticipation, believing that God is at work in Madison, and we are honored to join Him in what He is doing in and through our community. We invite you to be part of this beautiful, unfolding story of faith, hope, and love in action.

  • The name "Eastside Church" is not merely a label but a reflection of our heartfelt mission to reach the east side of Madison and Dane County with the transformative power of the Gospel. Our name is a constant reminder and call to our congregation that our purpose is deeply intertwined with the geographical and spiritual landscape of our community.

    We desire to be a beacon of hope, love, and faith to the people residing in the east side, extending our hands in fellowship and our hearts in love, to share the good news of Jesus Christ. It is our earnest prayer and mission that the name Eastside Church would not only denote our location but also evoke our unwavering commitment to sharing the Gospel and building a community that reflects the love and unity found in the Trinity.

    In this way, our logo and name together stand as symbols of our faith, our philosophy, and our mission, intertwining our respect for the ancient and eternal with our passion and call to serve our contemporary community, just as the Trinity perfectly models community and relationship for us all.

  • Logo: The Trinity Symbol
    Our logo not only symbolizes historical and spiritual depth but also encapsulates our Trinitarian identity philosophy. We observe and marvel at the perfect relationships within the Trinity - God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. This divine trio exemplifies a harmonious relationship, revealing that at the very core of our belief is the understanding that all people are inherently created for community. God, in His infinite wisdom and love, provides His people with a community through the Church.

    The Church, in our belief and practice, is not confined to a physical building, an event, or an institution. Rather, it is the vibrant, living body of people saved by God's power, for God's purposes in this world. It is a spiritual and relational entity where believers come together, united by faith and driven by the mission to live out the Gospel in every aspect of our lives.

    Logo Colors Explained
    Green: The vibrant green in our logo symbolizes the life-giving Gospel that not only saves us but continually grows us into the likeness of Jesus. Just as green is synonymous with growth and vitality in nature, the Gospel brings life wherever it touches, nurturing us and the world around us with the transformative power of God’s love and grace.

    Red: The deep red represents the sacrificial blood of Jesus, shed to atone for our sins and establish a peace that transcends understanding. It is a vivid reminder of the depth of Jesus’ love for us, rescuing us from a life of separation from God and restoring us into a right relationship with Him and others. This red pulsates with the heartbeat of our Savior, whose sacrificial love empowers and compels us.

    Purple: The regal purple symbolizes our citizenship in the Kingdom of God. As disciples of Jesus, we are called to live in a manner that reflects our allegiance to His Kingdom. Purple, often associated with royalty, reminds us that we are learning to live like Jesus, prioritizing our time to be with Him, learn from Him, become like Him, and embody His ways in our lives. It is in this kingdom-living that we find our purpose and our ability to be a blessing to God and others.

    Yellow: The bright yellow in our logo symbolizes our calling to be the light of the world, reflecting the illuminating truth of Jesus. Yellow, often associated with light and hope, represents our commitment to speak of Jesus, sharing the good news of the Gospel and the hope of a renewed world upon His return. It is a beacon that guides our actions and our words, ensuring that in all things, we point back to our Savior and King.

  • Our mission is to make disciples who love Jesus, live like Jesus, and speak of Jesus, locally and globally, as the Spirit leads.

  • At Eastside Church, our vision is to embody the way of Jesus in Madison and Dane County. We dream of a day when everyone in Madison & Dane County has a daily encounter with Jesus in word and deed.

You’re Invited
To Lunch!

Want to know more about Eastside? The second Sunday of each month, we host a lunch dedicted to answering your questions. You’ll get a tasty lunch for FREE, hear an overview of our vision, mission, & values, and have an opportunity to ask your questions and have them answered by one of our elders.

Ask Us

If you would like to know more about Eastside or have questions about following Jesus, please let us know. Send us your questions and we'll be happy to help.