
What We Teach

At Eastside Church, our preaching is centered on Jesus. While our teachings might touch upon improving personal lives, enriching marriages, or finding fulfillment, these aren't our core focus. We believe that the essence of true change and fulfillment lies in Jesus. He is the foundation for becoming a better person, for nurturing a thriving marriage, and for experiencing genuine fulfillment in life.

Our commitment to teaching from the Bible stems from our understanding that it is a book about Jesus. We often explore entire books of the Bible, verse by verse, to uncover the comprehensive teachings of Scripture and their connection to Jesus. In every message, Jesus is at the heart of what we share, guiding us in our journey of faith and transformation.


Whenever Eastside is LIVE you can watch the video here. The video will be available for seven days following the live event. To watch previous teaching videos like us on Facebook or follow us on YouTube.

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Doubters Welcome

Want to talk about what you’ve listened to? At Eastside, we embrace a spirit of open inquiry and welcome all, especially those grappling with doubts and questions about faith. We celebrate the presence of seekers and doubters among us, offering a non-combative environment that highlights the compelling beauty of following Jesus.

Click the button and fill out the form below. You can ask to meet up, send us your question, or ask for prayer.

We Gather
On Sundays.

Sunday gatherings are the primary way Eastside gathers as a whole church. We sing together, hear teaching from Scripture, pray, and share communion. Our desire is that this space allows us to connect deeply with God and one another in a unique expression of community. Everyone is welcome.

Time: 10 AM
Location: 1045 E Dayton St
Madison, WI 53703